HSI - Healthy Stomach Initiative
For a while virtual meetings were unfortunately the only way to connect, but through this media the first H S I World Series derived. In 2023 a series of H S I webinars (Europe, Africa, Asia & Americas) attracted over 1100 gastroenterologists from 80 different countries. In an effort to support Ukrainian doctors H S I member Dr. Oleg Shvet & the Ukrainian gastroenterology society – organized the translation & dissemination of the H S I World Series for Ukrainian specialists. In addition, the Healthy Stomach Initiative was able to conduct in-person meetings again in 2023, allowing world experts in GI to network and provide updates on stomach health during DDW in Chicago, UEGW in Copenhagen and APDW in Bangkok. Productive exchanges with a large number of new gastroenterologists joining the initiative brings along hope the World Stomach Day (October 02) can be revived, with experts around the globe conducting activities to bring awareness to stomach health.
Let’s try this for 2024! Please send ideas & suggestions to the H S I office. Your contribution is highly appreciated. (office@d-s-europe.com).
A special thank you to all contributors in 2023, namely: Peter Malfertheiner, Antonio Gasbarrini, Juozas Kupcinskas, Mohamed Alboraie, Mashiko Setshedi, Christian Schulz, Jan Bornschein, Francis Megraud, Hafez Raghda, Ratha-Korn Vilaichone, Jyh-Ming Liou, Hwoon Yong Jung, Yeong Yeh Lee, Yoshio Yamaoka, Constanza Carmago, Alejandro Corvalan, Richard Hunt, Shailja Shah, Monica Laszkowska, Hidekazu Suzuki, L. Jonaitis, Hideo Yonezawa, Hideki Mori, E. Morkunas, Masaya Sano, D. Duc Quach, Ari Fahrial Syam, Varocha Mahachai, Luiz Coelho, Oleg Shvets, Javier Gisbert, Dan Dumitrascu, Marcis Leja, Angel Lanas, Eugen Tcaciuc, Manik Gemilyan, Francesco Di Mario and the friends and supporters at Biohit & Karger.